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LIC New Future Smart Plan No. 258

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The New Future Smart plan is tailor-made for people looking for a guaranteed return in USD currency along with liquidity features and life cover, all in one. This is a guaranteed return plan with a non-linked single premium endowment option along with a fixed term of five years. Payment is given to the beneficiary in the event of the unfortunate death of the life assured while the term is still active or to the life assured on survival till the end of the policy term.


1. Death Benefits:

At the time of the policy term, if there is a sudden or untimely death of the life assured then the basic sum assured; top-up premium; accrued guaranteed addition on basic sum assured and top up premium in addition to one year’s guaranteed addition on basic sum assured and the top-up premium amount will be paid to the nominee. 

2. Guaranteed Addition:

A guaranteed bonus will accumulate once the policy year completes at a rate of USD 23 per thousand on the basic sum assured and top-up premium which is payable in the event of either death or maturity.

3. Maturity Benefits:

If your plan has reached maturity then basic sum assured along with the top-up premium and the guaranteed bonus on the top-up premium and basic sum assured will be payable to the life assured upon survival in a lump sum amount once the policy term nears completion.

Product Features, Limitations and Applications


Upper Limit

Lower Limit

Basic Sum Assured


USD 25,000

Top-Up Premium Amount


USD 10,000, following that in multiples of USD 1000

Age of Entry

65 years

18 years (upon completion)

Maturity Age

70 years

23 years

Term of Plan


5 years

Premium Paying Mode/Term


Single payment of premium

The total premium amount inclusive of top-up premium under life should not exceed more than USD 200,000

Premium Amount Aspects

  • Single premium which is payable at the start of term
  • Minimum top-up premium is mandatory which is of USD 10,000. Proposer can increase the top-up premium as per his/her preference beyond the minimum prescribed sum of USD 10,000 in multiples of USD 1000 after that.
  • Top-up premium can be paid only at the start in addition to the single premium base amount. Aside from the guaranteed addition, no additional benefits will accumulate on top of the top-up premium.

Surrender Options

The New Future Smart Plan will get a surrender value once the full year of the policy is completed. The minimum guaranteed surrender value will be 95% of the single premium and top-up premium to be paid excluding extra premium.

However, if it is found more favourable to the policyholder, a special surrender value stated in the Policy Bond can be paid.

Policy Loan

The insured person will get a loan based on the policy security once it has acquired the surrender value subject to the satisfactory production of policy title/assignment to the company authorities.

Why Should You Consider a New Future Smart Plan (No. 258)?

  • It gives liquidity, life cover and guaranteed addition; all in one
  •  Has tax-saving benefits
  • There are death benefits
  • You can avail of maturity benefits
  • Offers flexibility
  • There is only one single premium amount payment obligation


To avail of the benefits of a guaranteed return plan with a single endowment premium payment feature, invest in New Future Smart Plan from LIC (International) and get the best of features in a comprehensive manner.

About LIC

LIC (International) was established in the year 1989 in the Kingdom of Bahrain with the goal of providing affordable life insurance policy covers to Indians living or working in the GCC Gulf Cooperation Council) Countries. They are a trusted organisation dedicated to the goal of spreading awareness about the necessity of life insurance among people. LIC International has started a series of smart plans catering to High Net Worth individuals (HNIs) who are looking to maximise their savings.

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